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Selectmen's Minutes July 30, 2002
July 30, 2002

PRESENT:  Theodore Bailey, Jeffrey Jordan, David Colbert, Heather Briggs, Judy Kenneally via phone


The minutes of July 09, 2002 were approved as amended to read Marie MacKay was appointed as a Budget Committee member.
The minutes of July 23, 2002 were approved as written, signed and will be posted to our web page.


Chairman Bailey called the meeting to order at 7 PM.

Subject:  Public Hearing Re: Road Name Change of Towle/Mason Road

Present:  Road Agent, Jeffrey Jordan

Letters submitted by:

Ralph Connly
Leland  & Frances French
Emiko Conway
John Conway
Robert Thompson


Wayne  Pellillo
Bruce and Gail Wilen
Tammy McGowen
James and Edith Pellillo
Robert and Anne Edmonds
James and Gail Towle
Brad Towle
Susan Towle

The people that came and the people that wrote were unanimous in the opinion of returning the Towle/Mason Road back to the original names of Towle Road and Mason Road.  The reasons given from both Tammy McGowan and James Towle both told of the concerns regarding the 911 services that were delayed on two different occasions.  Others expressed that this confusion could prove to be dangerous and life threatening and no one wants to take that chance.  They all like the name as it was previous to this.

Mr. Pellillo stated that the Board had other options such as opening the road, which was voted down twice and would be costly to the town.  He also stated that all those present, present by letter and those he spoke with all would like to have the original names back.  

Subject: Road Agent, Jeffrey Jordan

Mr. Jordan submitted his maintenance plan for the week of Aug 5 through 9.  Mr. Jordan is on schedule for the week of the July 29 through August 2 maintenance plan.

Mr. Jordan asked Deputy Chief Paveglio who was responsible for the speedy dry left on the roadside.  Mr. Jordan received complaints regarding the speedy dry left.  One family lost their dog due to this.  Dep. Chief Paveglio stated that the wrecker company is responsible.  The Dep. Chief will keep the Police Department informed of the clean up.

It was mentioned that the bump on Bear Hill Road near the Hackney residence be attended to as it can be dangerous for high speed traffic.

Mr. Jordan said the Town Engineer required two culverts on Marsh Road.  Mr. Jordan did not see the need for those culverts.  He does feel that that the road needs to be completed.  The turn-around at the end of the road should be put in, the rocks and trees removed amoung the other things listed.

Mr. Jordan plans on getting the rocks out of Durgin Road.

Selectman Colbert requested that the payroll be straightened out.  He would like to see the dates and work done for that day to be much clearer.   Mr. Jordan agreed to attend to this.  Chairman Bailey also requested that the payroll be brought to the Selectman’s office directly by Mr. Jordan.

Subject: Fire Department

Present:  Deputy Fire Chief, Michael Paveglio

Deputy Chief Paveglio asked that the fire department be notified when the road name change is implemented.  The Board agreed.

Mr. Gary Depalmer of Gary’s RV is still trying to build an additional building of 27,000 sf without a sprinkler system.  The Fire Department still will not allow it.

Subject:  Mr. Leppard
Mr. Leppard has not conformed to the zoning requirements as of this date.  He told the Board that he is in the process of doing so.  He also told the Board that he would bring in the contracts to show that he is in the process of trying to conform.  The Board agreed to let him drop them off to Heather.

Subject: Mrs. Dalbec

Present:  Mrs. Dalbec, her daughter, and her daughter’s fiancée.

The Board required Mrs. Dalbec to stop having daily yard sales.  Mrs. Dalbec said that she was working and was only going to have yard sales on the weekends, weather permitting.
Mrs. Dalbec stated that her daughter and fiancée will be living in the house on the upper floor and will be having the business downstairs.  When she met with the Planning Board, her plans were to have the business upstairs.  The Board referred her to  Andrea Deachman, Planning Board Secretary to get on the September agenda.

Mrs. Dalbec spoke to Andrea Deachman and told the Board that she was on the agenda for September 05, 2002.

Subject: Planning Board Secretary, Andrea Deachman

The Board asked Andrea if a site review needed to be done by a certified professional.  Andrea stated the zoning regulation state that indeed a certified professional was to be used.

Heather asked Andrea to please leave the Planning Board’s agenda in the mailboxes for the Board, Fire Department, Highway Department and the Police Department.  Andrea said that she would.

Mrs. Deachman agreed to send out site review regs containing the correct paperwork for Mrs. Dalbec and for Mr. Leppard so they will be prepared for the Planning Board’s  September 6, 2002 meeting.

Subject:  Board Discussion

The Board discussed the Towle/Mason Road name change.  

Selectman DeBold brought forward a motion to name the Horse Corner end of the road Towle Road and the Route 4 end  Mason Road.

Selectman Colbert seconded the motion.

The vote was unanimous.  Towle/,Mason Road will now be named Towle Road and Mason Road separately.

Heather will prepare the paperwork necessary for this change to take place after the minutes are approved at the meeting of August 6, 2002.  The numbering will remain the same.

Judy will write letter to Mrs. Dalbec and to Mr. Leppard to remind them of their responsibilities regarding the zoning and Planning Board still needs to see them in September.

The Board asked that the Police Chief, Patrick Clark attend the August 6, 2002 Board Meeting.

There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 9:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Theodore Bailey, Chairman

David Colbert, Selectman

Richard DeBold, Selectman